6 Last-Minute Holiday Gifts Ninja-Santa Can Give!


Meeeeeerrry Christmas!

Too early? Maybe…but not by much.

December 25th is extremely close meaning that the Holiday Hustle is afoot. If you still haven’t grabbed anything for your siblings who do karate (or yourself who trains MMA/Tai Chi/Taekwondo/Whatever), then look no further!

Whether for yourself or a loved one, the items below are all great additions for Ol’ Saint Nick to bring.

So sit down.

Grab your milk and cookies

And let’s tackle the holiday season!

(Don’t forget to train after the sweet snack, “Santa”!)

1) You Gotta Have Heart by Bruce Bernstein


First up on the list is a book for the youngins. This fiction book written by Bruce Bernstein follows Alan Michaels, a young street-smart orphan who just wants a place to belong.

Thankfully, a place to belong might just be what Alan gets when he discovers Sensei Hideki’s School of Karate, a place he hopes will change his life for the better.

Whether battling a bully or fighting feeling of low-confidence, Alan does a great job of showcasing, well, heart. I’m talking about “Rocky Balboa meets the Karate Kid” kind of heart!

Anybody who appreciates a story stirring up moments of feeling of determination and courage (as well as every other martial art virtue you can think of) should give this book a shot!

You can buy it here!

2) Black Belt Magazine (Twelve Month Subscription)


Rather than get a single present, why not gift twelve months of one of the oldest and most renown martial art magazines around? The first issue of Black Belt Magazine came out in 1961 and it has kept going strong since!

Many famous martial artists and modern day butt-kickers have been featured in the publication, often giving exclusive tips and advice.

Beyond that, you can also glimpse what is happening in the martial arts world and learn what others, like you, are doing in their dojo by simply opening the pages.

Black Belt Magazine has remained one of my favorite martial art publications to read for many years. If you are looking for something to gift, you can’t go wrong with the gift that keeps on giving!

You can order a subscription here!

3) Ip Man Trilogy


The Man. The Myth. The Legend. This is it, man. Or rather, this is Ip Man! (Don’t worry—The movies have plenty of punches rather than punchlines like this)

Donnie Yen’s first outing as the titular kung fu hero exploded his (already phenomenal) career to new levels, showcasing Wing Chun skills like never before and sending tons of future martial art masters to the kwoon to learn this “new” style.

The impact of Donnie Yen’s Ip Man series has only grown since it began in 2008. Now, as the series gets ready to release its fourth film—five if you count its spinoff, Master Z: The Ip Man Legacy—you would do well to brush up on your Wing Chun skills and cinema.

Order it here!

4) Shaolin Chamber 36 Exclusive Shirts

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Unfortunately, you can’t wear your Shaolin monk garb everywhere.

The classic orange outfit may not be the best idea to wear to your next shindig but you can at least rock some classic kung fu film inspired apparel. Shaolin Chamber 36 sells tons shirts.

Fully cotton T-shirt referencing The Five Venoms? Got that.

Hoodie showcasing Angela Mao’s skills? Double check.

If you are looking for a stand out design any kung fu fanatic would love, be sure to check out their Wu-Tang and Shaolin style!

You can find their catalog here!

5) Bruce Lee Funko Pop



You might have seen a lil’ Funko Pop figure in Walmart. Or Gamestop. Or Target. Or…really everywhere.


It’s hard not to find one nowadays.

While the figures are usually based on pop culture (a movie, video game, perhaps an amusing mash-up of holidays and characters), there is one figure design that stands out from among the rest: The Dragon! (I don’t mean Shen Long)

This Kick-Butt Bruce Lee figure looks like it could melt hearts with its adorableness or side kick you off screen if it gets pissed at you.

Either way, a must buy!

You can purchase one through the link.

6) whistlekick Gi


If you train Karate, you need a gi (unless you train in your underwear—That’s what coach meant by a No-Gi training session, right?).

Beyond that, the right gi can make the training session feel that much better—you can move easier, heat doesn’t seem to bubble inside your uniform, and every move has that snap that makes even Rika Usami wonder how you did it.

Heads up: You can get the aforementioned “right gi” in either white or black and ordained with a fancy schmancy whistlekick logo on it!

Now, before I go any further, I do want to mention that I am a Brand Ambassador for whistlekick. That’s not why I’m listing this though. I partnered with the brand because I know the owner, Jeremy Lesniak, and fully trust him, his mission statement, and his product.

If anybody is going to create martial art merch and keep their ethics and standards, it would be Jeremy Lesniak and his whistlekick brand.

Be sure to get the gi here!

(Pssst…use this promo code to get 10% off everything whistlekick: justin10)

Justin Lee Ford

Justin Lee Ford, a martial arts enthusiast since age eight, became a writer for martial arts publications and a stunt performer after traveling the world and training with notable experts. With deep enthusiasm for traditional martial arts and modern action performance, his adventures have taken him to the Shaolin Temple, off a 50-foot cliff for film, and in front of the camera to perform as a real-life ninja. Based in Atlanta, Georgia, he is always on the look out for new and unique martial arts experiences. You can follow him and his adventures on Instagram: @justinleeford_official.


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