Top BJJ Submissions for Beginners

Editor’s Note: As a holiday gift, these next few days are going to be filled with incredible content from standout martial artists in the community. This post, and the next subsequent BJJ focused articles, are by Mike Jones.

Table of Contents

1. Introduction

2. Triangle Choke From Guard

3. Sleeve Choke

4. Baseball Choke

5. Guillotine

6. Heel Hook

7. Conclusion


If you have just started BJJ training and you are obsessed with the number of BJJ submissions, pins, guard passes, and variations of chokes. Here are several submissions you can practice as a beginner to get to the level of the experienced BJJ fighter. So here is the list of the most common and easy practice legal BJJ techniques that you can try as a beginner if you are looking for the submission of your training partner.

Triangle Choke From the Guard

The purpose of the triangle choke is to create a seal around the neck that cuts off both arteries. If you notice the anatomy of the body, you will notice that you have V-shape by side of the neck and by side or both armpits. The whole process involves trying the neck choke from different angles


● The leg on the shoulder, the hock underneath the arm, and grab your shin.

● Push yourself a little aside and grab the head of your opponent with both hands, squeeze the knees a little bit, and your opponent does not have any chance to escape.

Tips to practice The Triangle choke from Guard

● Usually, you lock the neck with a different approach and the guy has the power and chance to escape the choke. To put the strong lock, the first thing you should do to bow him down because the more the opponent has the space to sit, the more he is going to escape.

● Firstly, hold the wrist firmly and drag it to the side of the body, not to make the choke tighter but to break his posture and bring him forward.

● Once your opponent is moved down, put your one hand on the trip and the second hand on the back side of the head, have a firmer grip with the leg and elbow and use both hands for a firmer grip, and pull the head down to your belly and you have finished it.

● When you cross your knees for a neck choke objectively, it leaves some space from the right side, for a tight neck choke, you can lift your leg straight up and then lock the leg with another leg

Sleeve Choke


A sleeve choke is the most versatile choke because you can apply it at any position. But most of the time it is applied from the half guard.

Tips to practice and be good at the sleeve choke:

● One arm under the head, the other from the armpit put your one hand on the bicep, keep the chin of the opponent to the upside, and head on the ear so that your opponent may not know what is going on.

● Secondly, have a firm grip on the sleeve to apply the sleeve choke over the throat. To apply the pressure, you can stay a little bit on the right side or left side depending on the way you are applying the choke with your left or right hand.

● Thirdly, you can apply the choke by pushing the wrist blade to the neck. You can also do it with your punch, as the main purpose is to put pressure on the throat.

● Practice with your training partner and apply the choke from the upper and lower side.

● Another method you can apply is by making the scissor angle with both hands. Grab your gi from the bicep with one arm under and the second on the top, if your opponent tries to grab your finger as it often happens in this position.

● You can slide down yourself a little bit and put your head on the chest to restrict the movement of your opponent.

Baseball choke

Similar to the ninja choke, the baseball choke is another that you can utilize with the gi that keeps you in the current position. If you lose at any point, you can change your current position or you can think of another choke.

Tips for Beginners

● Baseball choke starts with a nice cross face because, in that way, you will be putting lots of pressure. At this point, you have to utilize their skirt to shoot it to another hand already under the head.

● Pick a slack from the belt and stretch further to get as much part as possible. Push the toward the cross face hand once again.

● Pull out the lapel as you pull the rope together to squeeze the neck.

● Another method you can apply is, you can keep the leg out and lean toward the hips

and finish the baseball choke.

● Another method to apply the baseball choke is to put your knee on the opponent and lift

the head of the opponent. This is a kind of deadly position that will lead your opponent

because he has problems in breathing and pressure on his back.

● One thing that needs to remembered is that it causes trouble breathing so be careful when

you are in a training session with your training partner.

Guillotine Choke

Guillotine choke from a standing position is very common in fights. There are lots of variations but you can learn the simple one when you are just beginning jiu-jitsu. Here are some tips for the most effective and simple way to apply the Guillotine choke


You can do the Guillotine choke in two ways: one is arm in and the second is arm out.

Arm out or bar position.

● There are lots of variations but let’s start with the simpler one. When the opponent tries to grab your knee or waist, you can encircle your arm to the opponent’s neck and squeeze the elbow space circle, moving your hand to the chin. Don’t shrug your shoulders to apply the pressure.

Arm-in position.

● In the arm-out position, you have to reach one arm to another via the armpit.

● You can put your hand on the wrist or in another hand, plus, you can clock the arms or move your elbow to the neck trap to apply pressure in the arms and put position

● There is also a third variation which is called guiateens. In this position, when you are holding the opponent’s neck, you pull yourself to a little bit of a back position.

Heel Hook

Leg lock and heel hock are similar to some extent. The main aim is to stop locking our legs which will stop your opponent’s movements. You should avoid the omoplata position, where your opponent can free himself because your leg was sweating a lot.

Tips to practice the Heel lock

● Catch one foot and keep another foot away to cause any hurdle to the leg lock.

● Grab your opponent’s leg and bend the knee, and turn your hip to right or left either way you are in the position to move easily.

● You can apply it when your opponent is standing, in case your opponent tries to escape to roll, you roll with him but keep his knee bent.

●You can apply the heel hook when you are holding the back of the opponent and you can take

him down. Just take one step forward and twirl your one leg to apply the heel hook from the



There are a variety of BJJ submissions that you can try in different situations. But these are the submissions you can try when you have just started the BJJ training. You will improve your techniques with time.

Read more about BJJ submissions for beginners.

Mike Jones

This is Mike Jones, a fitness enthusiast, and martial arts, lover. I have been training for martial arts since my teenage, and now I own 10 years of martial arts experience. It took me years of experience and research on how all the aspects respect to sports matter.


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